Skunk Odor ControlSkunk Odor Control
Skunks are famous for their strong odorous defensive spray. When alarmed, intimidated or threatened, skunks have been well-known to spray people, pets, and automobiles. They also squirt in basements, window wells, garages, decks, stairs and/or under porches. The musk they spray is a yellow-tinted oily liquid stored in two sacks located on opposite sides of the anus. Skunk musk is composed primarily of seven ingredients, six of which are sulfur-containing thiols that present the skunk musk its extremely awful smell. Humans can detect and smell a skunk's powerful musk in concentrations as low as one part per billion. The spray of a skunk is not only incredibly stinky and horrible - it's also notoriously hard and difficult to get rid of. An old folk remedy and treatment is to bathe in tomato juice, but tests show that it only masks and disguises the odor. It will stick to things like hair and wool and various paint around the walls, absorbing the scent and then gradually revealing the smell. The best way to control, manage, and remove skunk odor is to use an odor control neutralizer because it actually changes the chemistry of the skunk spray. It converts the smelly skunk odor compounds into odorless chemicals. Epoleon is a deodorizer that removes malodors by chemically reacting, counter-acting, neutralizing and dissolving the odors and toxic gases which are unpleasant to humans and animals. PC-300, N-100, Nnz and N-7C skunk odor control neutralizers were developed mainly for skunk odor control. However, it reacts not only with skunk odor and dead animal odor but also act in response with pet urine odor, mildew odors, sweat odors, tobacco odors that are imbedded in carpets and upholstery. It also reacts with raw garbage for indoor and out door applications as well. Good for skunk odor control: